Право Беларуси. Новости и документы

Постановление Министерства иностранных дел Республики Беларусь от 14.06.2006 N 82 "Об утверждении Инструкции о порядке выдачи виз Республики Беларусь иностранным гражданам и лицам без гражданства"

(текст документа по состоянию на январь 2010 года. Архив) обновление

Документы на NewsBY.org


Стр. 6

¦ ¦   ¦пражыванне /                                   ¦                                                     ¦
¦ ¦----                                               ¦                                                     ¦
¦  accommodation                                      ¦                                                     ¦
¦35. Сямейнае               ¦   ¦   ¦знаходжуся ў шлюбе / married      ¦   ¦разведзены(а) / divorced        ¦
¦становiшча / Marital       ¦   ¦----                                  ¦----                                ¦
¦status                     ¦   ----¬                                  ----¬                                ¦
¦                           ¦   ¦   ¦не знаходжуся ў шлюбе / single    ¦   ¦удавец (удава) / widow(er)      ¦
¦                           ¦   ¦----                                  ¦----                                ¦
¦36. Прозвiшча мужа (жонкi) / Spouse's family name    ¦37. Папярэднiя прозвiшчы мужа (жонкi) / Spouse's     ¦
¦                                                     ¦previous name                                        ¦
¦38. Iмя (iмёны) мужа       ¦39. Грамадзянства мужа   ¦40. Дата нараджэння мужа  ¦41. Месца нараджэння мужа ¦
¦(жонкi) / Spouse's first   ¦(жонкi) / Spouse's       ¦(жонкi) / Spouse's date   ¦(жонкi) / Spouse's place  ¦
¦and other names            ¦citizenship              ¦of birth                  ¦of birth                  ¦
¦                           ¦                         +--T-T-T---+---T---+---T---+                          ¦
¦                           ¦                         ¦  ¦ ¦ ¦   ¦   ¦   ¦   ¦   ¦                          ¦
¦                           ¦                         +--+-+-+---+---+---+---+---+                          ¦
¦                           ¦                         ¦(day / month / year)      ¦                          ¦
¦42. Калi Вас суправаджаюць дзецi i яны ўнесены ў Ваш пашпарт, запоўнiце таблiцу / If you are accompanied   ¦
¦by children and they are included in your passport fill in the table below                                 ¦
¦Прозвiшча / Family name    ¦Iмя / Name                                          ¦Дата i месца нараджэння / ¦
¦                           ¦                                                    ¦Date and place of birth   ¦
¦                           ¦                                                    ¦                          ¦
¦                           ¦                                                    ¦                          ¦
¦                           ¦                                                    ¦                          ¦
¦43. Дэкларацыя: я заяўляю, што iнфармацыя, якая змешчана ў гэтай анкеце, з'яўляецца дакладнай i            ¦
¦праўдзiвай. Я ведаю, што паведамленне непраўдзiвых звестак альбо адмаўленне ад прадстаўлення неабходных    ¦
¦дакументаў можа служыць падставай для адмовы ва ўездзе ў Рэспублiку Беларусь. Я таксама папярэджаны, што,  ¦
¦калi гэтая iнфармацыя будзе прызнана недакладнай, вiза можа быць анулявана ў любы момант. Я абавязуюся па  ¦
¦прыбыццi ў Рэспублiку Беларусь ва ўстаноўленым парадку аформiць рэгiстрацыю i пакiнуць яе тэрыторыю да     ¦
¦заканчэння тэрмiну дзеяння вiзы.                                                                           ¦
¦Declaration: I declare that information in this application is true and correct. I am aware that any false ¦
¦statements or refusal to submit the necessary documents may lead to rejection in entrance to the Republic  ¦
¦of Belarus. I am also warned that if this information is found to be incorrect, the visa may be cancelled  ¦
¦at any time. Upon arrival to the Republic of Belarus I will register according to the established          ¦
¦procedure and leave the territory of the Republic of Belarus before my visa expires.                       ¦
¦44. Асабiсты подпiс / Signature                      ¦45. Дата запаўнення / Date                           ¦
¦                                                     ¦                                                     ¦

Приложение 12

к Инструкции

о порядке выдачи виз

Республики Беларусь

иностранным гражданам и

лицам без гражданства


¦Family name.......................................................................¦
¦First name........................................................................¦
¦Other names (if any)..............................................................¦
¦                 ¦          --¬        --¬           --¬                          ¦
¦Education        ¦elementary¦ ¦    high¦ ¦     higher¦ ¦                          ¦
¦                 ¦          L--        L--           L--                          ¦
¦                 ¦Academic institution............................................¦
¦                 ¦Academic degree and specialization..............................¦
¦Date you took up your current employment..........................................¦
¦Previous occupation...............................................................¦
¦Date when you left your previous employment.......................................¦
¦Annual primary income in the last 3 years.........................................¦
¦                 ¦Citizenship.....................................................¦
¦Information about¦Occupation......................................................¦
¦spouse           ¦Position........................................................¦
¦                 ¦Employer........................................................¦
¦                 +----------------------------------------------------------------+
¦                 ¦Business address of spouse                                      ¦
¦                 +------------------------------------------+---------------------+
¦                 ¦house (apartment).........................¦Business phone       ¦
¦                 ¦street....................................¦No.                  ¦
¦                 ¦city / town...............................¦                     ¦
¦                 ¦region....................................¦                     ¦
¦                 ¦country...................................¦                     ¦
¦Children         ¦Family name    ¦First name¦Date and place ¦Citizenship          ¦
¦                 ¦               ¦          ¦of birth       ¦                     ¦
¦                 +---------------+----------+---------------+---------------------+
¦                 ¦               ¦          ¦               ¦                     ¦
¦Have you ever done military service?        ¦                                     ¦
¦       ---¬    -----¬                       ¦                                     ¦
¦yes    ¦  ¦no  ¦    ¦                       ¦                                     ¦
¦       ¦---    ¦-----                       ¦                                     ¦
¦if yes, please specify country, arm,        ¦                                     ¦
¦military rank and position, speciality and  ¦                                     ¦
¦dates of your military service              ¦                                     ¦
¦Have you ever taken part in a military      ¦                                     ¦
¦conflict?                                   ¦                                     ¦
¦Have you ever been a victim of a military   ¦                                     ¦
¦conflict?                                   ¦                                     ¦
¦       ---¬    -----¬                       ¦                                     ¦
¦yes    ¦  ¦no  ¦    ¦                       ¦                                     ¦
¦       ¦---    ¦-----                       ¦                                     ¦
¦if yes, please clarify in details           ¦                                     ¦
¦Do you have real estate (house, apartment,  ¦                                     ¦
¦other property) abroad?                     ¦                                     ¦
¦       ---¬    -----¬                       ¦                                     ¦
¦yes    ¦  ¦no  ¦    ¦                       ¦                                     ¦
¦       ¦---    ¦-----                       ¦                                     ¦
¦if yes, please clarify in details           ¦                                     ¦
¦Do you have real estate (house, apartment,  ¦                                     ¦
¦other property) in the Republic of Belarus? ¦                                     ¦
¦Are you a founder of any firm or enterprise ¦                                     ¦
¦officially registered in the Republic of    ¦                                     ¦
¦Belarus?                                    ¦                                     ¦
¦       ---¬    -----¬                       ¦                                     ¦
¦yes    ¦  ¦no  ¦    ¦                       ¦                                     ¦
¦       ¦---    ¦-----                       ¦                                     ¦
¦if yes, please clarify in details           ¦                                     ¦
¦Do you have relatives living in the Republic¦                                     ¦
¦of Belarus?                                 ¦                                     ¦
¦       ---¬    -----¬                       ¦                                     ¦
¦yes    ¦  ¦no  ¦    ¦                       ¦                                     ¦
¦       ¦---    ¦-----                       ¦                                     ¦
¦if yes, please clarify in details           ¦                                     ¦
¦Have you ever applied for the CIS countries ¦                                     ¦
¦residence permit?                           ¦                                     ¦
¦       ---¬    -----¬                       ¦                                     ¦
¦yes    ¦  ¦no  ¦    ¦                       ¦                                     ¦
¦       ¦---    ¦-----                       ¦                                     ¦
¦if yes, please clarify in details           ¦                                     ¦
¦Do you have any infectious diseases?        ¦                                     ¦
¦       ---¬    -----¬                       ¦                                     ¦
¦yes    ¦  ¦no  ¦    ¦                       ¦                                     ¦
¦       ¦---    ¦-----                       ¦                                     ¦
¦if yes, please clarify in details           ¦                                     ¦
¦Do you have relatives living in European    ¦                                     ¦
¦countries?                                  ¦                                     ¦
¦       ---¬    -----¬                       ¦                                     ¦
¦yes    ¦  ¦no  ¦    ¦                       ¦                                     ¦
¦       ¦---    ¦-----                       ¦                                     ¦
¦if yes, please clarify in details           ¦                                     ¦
¦Your journey's itinerary, places you are    ¦                                     ¦
¦going to visit                              ¦                                     ¦
¦How are you planning to leave the Republic  ¦                                     ¦
¦of Belarus?                                 ¦                                     ¦
¦Do you have transport or travel tickets to  ¦                                     ¦
¦the country of your nationality, permanent  ¦                                     ¦
¦residence or the third country?             ¦                                     ¦
¦Who will pay for your travel and ¦myself --¬inviting    --¬                       ¦
¦stay in the Republic of Belarus? ¦       ¦ ¦side        ¦ ¦                       ¦
¦                                 ¦       L--            L--                       ¦
¦                                 ¦                      --¬                       ¦
¦                                 ¦other persons,        ¦ ¦.......................¦
¦                                 ¦organisations         ¦ ¦                       ¦
¦                                 ¦                      L--                       ¦
¦What        ¦cash ¦   ¦...........................................................¦
¦financial   ¦     ¦----                                                           ¦
¦means do you¦traveller's cheques, credit cards etc. ..............................¦
¦have to     ¦                ---¬                                                 ¦
¦sustain you ¦travel vouchers ¦  ¦.................................................¦
¦while in    ¦                ¦---                                                 ¦
¦Belarus?    ¦letter of guarantee of an inviting organisation to cover the costs   ¦
¦            ¦of your stay in the Republic of Belarus ---¬                         ¦
¦            ¦                                        ¦  ¦.........................¦
¦            ¦                                        ¦---                         ¦
¦If you apply for business visa, please answer also the following questions:       ¦
¦What particular arrangements have you       ¦                                     ¦
¦already fulfilled with inviting side        ¦                                     ¦
¦(Belarusian enterprises, companies,         ¦                                     ¦
¦organisations)?                             ¦                                     ¦
¦What purposes do you have in mind during    ¦                                     ¦
¦your travel to fulfill agreements made with ¦                                     ¦
¦Belarusian organisations, enterprises?      ¦                                     ¦
¦Declaration: I hereby declare that information mentioned in this application is   ¦
¦true and correct. I am also warned that if information is found to be incorrect,  ¦
¦the visa may be cancelled at any time. Upon arrival to the Republic of Belarus I  ¦
¦will register according to the established procedure and leave the territory of   ¦
¦the Republic of Belarus before my visa expires.                                   ¦
¦Signature            ¦Date of application   ¦      ¦      ¦     ¦    ¦     ¦      ¦
¦Foreigners and stateless persons visiting Belarus should submit their passports   ¦
¦within a period of 3 working days (excepting holidays) to the competent           ¦
¦authorities specially authorized to implement registration procedure.             ¦

Приложение 13

к Инструкции

о порядке выдачи виз

Республики Беларусь

Право. Новости и документы | Заканадаўства Рэспублікі Беларусь


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